Tuesday, January 2, 2007

catch my thoughts 2

I was looking back on my last post and saw something, it isn't just my life style that has me down, it's also me not having a JOB!!!! living in this part of TN is hard to find work to make even a small way of life. I haven't had a job in almost 3 months, I'll work for a week or a day or two as a temp, it seems to be that way here you either have a full time job that one of your family member has gotten for you or you are a temp, or you drive 50 some odd mile and work for 6 or 7.00 an hour. It's hard here TO MAKE A LIVING, most of the people around here have a crazy check to live off of and then sell there pills to make more money. I have 2 cousins who both draw a check and sell pills, there check combined is only 900 a month but when they sell there pills they make around 1000 to 2000 a week, and they are just fine to work, as well as you or me. I guess some are Lucky and some aren't. I know selling drugs are bad but damn it, I want a piece of the pie too; I'm working my ass off when I get to work that is, and only get the damn crust and the dry crust at that . I cheated one time on my taxes and I got caught so now I have to pay 3800 back , but oh well my Granddaddy always said give a man enough rope and he will hang him self, I guess, I hung my self. I cheated and got caught. All I want here is a horse to ride in the MTNS., and a good job not allot to ask for, I will buy the horse just give me a good job something I can be proud of my self for doing and that gives me a good living ,food on my table power in my home and gas in my truck , and a good looking bubba in a F-350 dually 4x4 with a dip ring in his back pocket ,hell I can drive to another county for that ( hot damn love me a mtn man) , or give me a good woman that cooks well and gives good Love, what else can a person ask for in life NOTHING , okay maybe a good bottle of whiskey and a fat sack of 420!!!!! ... Well none of this probably won't happen so thank God for Lexapro... until the next time to all have a good time in what ever you do.....................................

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